421 W Clinton St
Elmira NY 14901
plenty of street parking

Live Well Upstate is located in the Near Westside neighborhood of Elmira in Upstate New York, southern Finger Lakes Region. The clinic is in a beautiful 1910 Victorian, and has ample street parking.
Via I-86/route 17
From Corning & Horseheads:
Take Exit 56 and turn right on Church St. Drive 1.3 miles through downtown Elmira. You will pass through several traffic lights. Once you come to the traffic light at North Main Street, take a right turn. You will go through a traffic circle, take the 3rd exit onto Park Place, and at the next traffic light take a left on Clinton Street, and drive three and a half blocks to Live Well Upstate. The big blue house is at 421, on the left side of the street, past the Davis Street intersection.
From Binghamton and the Valley:
Take Exit 56 and turn left on Water St. Drive 1.3 miles to Main St and take a right. Once you come to the traffic light at North Main Street, take a right turn. You will go through two traffic lights, then a traffic circle (take the 3rd exit onto Park Place), and at the next traffic light take a left on Clinton Street, and drive three and a half blocks to Live Well Upstate. The big blue house is at 421, on the left side of the street, past the Davis Street intersection.